Saturday, December 7, 2019

Enjoying the Blessings of God

Psalm 84:11-12 says, "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you." 

As we consider these verses there is great promise and great hope found here. Verse 11 gives us 3 things God will do. He will give favor, honor and every good thing. The key to receiving those may be discouraging to us because it is based on being blameless (fortunately that is based on our standing in Christ). 

Now verse 12 shows us a different angle on receiving this blessing. It is not looking at perfection, because even though we are found perfect through the blood of Christ, most people struggle viewing themselves this way. Here we see that if we will trust in the Lord then those blessing will be ours. The key is not to say that you trust in God but to live out your trust in God. To often we give ‘lip service’ to the Lord and then wonder where the blessings are. Let us live lives of trust and in doing so enjoy the blessings of God.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Complete Joy for Thnaksgivng & Christmas

John 16:23-24 says "In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." 

As I consider these verses there is great hope and promise, yet there is also sorrow. The sorrow is there because we tend to try to live this promise backwards. We want to be satisfied, with much joy and then we will be willing go to God. Even when we eventually go and ask, it isn’t really with much faith because we are asking for what we want. But the truth is, most of the time we don’t even bother to ask for anything. 

Look at how this promise is given to us. Jesus says, God will give us whatever we ask for in His name. Now to understand this promise we must understand what ‘in His name’ means. This means that we know God and His Word well enough that we know what will bring Him the most glory and that is what we are asking for. It also means we are asking in His authority and power. So how is your relationship with God? Now, if we are praying according to this, then we know God will give us anything we ask for. This automatically leads to complete joy. Look at your joy level. Remember, happiness is a response to outward stimulus and joy is an expression of an inward condition. The condition of being in right relationship with God. Do you have joy? Is it just a bit of joy or is it complete joy? If we are lacking in joy then it indicates that we have been lacking in relationship and asking. If we have been lacking in asking this might indicate that our motives have been wrong. The bottom line is that God wants to do so much more for us in answer to our prayers. We just need to start praying they way He has said. May your days be filled with many answered prayers and complete joy.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Who is Carrying Your Burdens?

Psalm 68:19 “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”

As we face each and every day, it is good to remember this truth about God. He has promised us that as part of our relationship with Him , that we will help us every single day. The way that He will help us is by bearing (holding and carrying) our burdens. This is true regardless of how big or small those burdens may seem to us. So if this is true, why do so many continue to struggle under their own burdens? It's simple, the truth is that these people, the majority of people, refuse to surrender their burdens, giving them up to God. Unfortunately this leads to weariness, stress, ulcers, etc.. Only when we arrive at the point of surrender will God pick those burdens up. Are you willing to surrender to God today? He can and will make all the difference.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Where is your focus?

John 6:1-15 gives an account of Jesus feeding the 5000+ crowd. There are some life-changing lesson found in this story. 

When we are faced with situation, issues, problems what do we see? Our tendency is to focus on the problem and the more we focus on it the bigger it becomes. What we need to do is surrender everything to God and then focus on Him. In verse 8 Peter brought everything to Jesus, after Philip had basically given up hope. Unfortunately he also didn’t focus on Jesus but on the inadequacy of what he had on hand. It doesn’t matter what we have on hand or how far we think it will go. What matters is, if we have continued to follow Jesus, He is there and can do anything. 

So where is our focus today? Is it on the all powerful, creator of the universe Who said that He will never leave or forsake us or is it on the momentary issues that will be gone before we know it. As we face every situation remember, God already has in mind what He is wanting to do. Trust Him, focus on Him and watch what He accomplishes.

Monday, August 19, 2019

How Much Have You Surrendered

2 Timothy 1:12 says, "Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.

This verse has long been a favorite of mine giving me peace and hope during the trials and storms of life. Yet as I read it again today I realized a very important truth. It follows the statement that God can and will guard all that I have given to Him.
The question is, what have I given to Him? Most Christians will say that they have given God their hearts and eternity. Yes this is important but it leaves most of everything in our hands to guard and protect. When we make Him our Savior and Lord then we place everything in His care. So what have you not surrendered to God … your health, job, pleasure, family? We need to surrender every aspect
of every day  to God. This means daily surrender and all throughout the day. Now this might seem like a lot of work, but the benefits are worth it. Remember, when we surrender, trusting God to guard something, He will guard it better than we could hope to.

So be willing today to start surrendering everything to God and discover the peace that He has promised will guard your heart and mind

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Life Changing Faith

In John 5:1-15 we find an interesting story of healing and faith. A story that should inspire and challenge us all at the same time.

As we look at the crowds, what do we see? Here we are reminded that it is the individual that makes up the crowd that is important. Jesus saw the man and took time to learn about him. We need to make sure we see the individual. When we do, don’t just assume you know what they are all about, take time to learn about them. This doesn’t have to be a long process, just a personalized one.

Once Jesus had learned about him, notice that He asked if the
man wanted to get well. Why would Jesus ask that? I believe it is for the same reason that He wants and waits for us to ask in prayer, sometimes public prayer, before providing what we need. Jesus wants us to express our faith in words. Why? Because when we verbalize our faith it becomes more concrete in our lives, we are becoming specific in what we are asking and believing for. Now
consider what had to happen for this man to receive healing. When Jesus didn’t say, ‘you are healed’, he had to act in faith. The crippled man was told to ‘get up and walk.’ Do what you haven’t been able to do … walk by faith. I am amazed at the faith of this man. He had wanted healing for decades and never been able to get it. Now, when told the steps into that healing. Do we let the
past, our history, keep us from the miracles that God has for us?

Another thing to note here is that this crippled man didn’t even know it as Jesus, God made flesh, the worker of miracles that was talking to him. He just had faith in the almighty God. So often we put conditions on receiving what God has for us. If we know beyond any doubt that it is God who is doing this. You know a certified letter with signature and picture proof that it is God, then we might accept it. Yet here is an example of desperation for
what God can do. He simple took things at face value and lived in the blessings of God. May we have that kind of faith today and every day.