Friday, March 7, 2014

Deserts by Divine Design

Often when we are filled with the Spirit we think we will be led to do something great, or least something good because we are close to God. Yet there are times when … as found in Luke 4, God's Spirit leads us into the desert and times of testing.

It is during these times that we must remember to trust God's leading. This passage goes on to give us the keys to doing this. When in those desert times remember God is with us, He led us there, and we must keep our focus on Him and His Word. Keep going to the Scriptures, they are our strength, encouragement and defense. Also remember that these times of testing in the desert are times of preparation for ministry. So let God prepare you for what He has planned for you to do next. Without these desert times we will never be ready to be used by Him.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How big is your God? How sure is your faith in Him?

How big is your God? How sure is your faith in Him? (taken from Mark 11:22-24)

People around us can see the reality of our faith through our actions and our prayers. Here the foundation for answered prayers is stated clearly...have faith in God!

Our faith determines how much God will do in our lives. I am reminded of when Jesus returned to His home area and could not do many miracles because of their lack of faith. Similarly, our amount and type of faith will determine how we see God working in our lives. In this passage, Jesus says, if we have faith in God and don't doubt, what we have prayed about will see it happen. We will see it happen and receive it!

This is a bold promise, but it is Jesus promise to us. Do you take Jesus at His word? If not, why not? In what areas is God challenging you to increase your faith?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

God Want to Work Through Weakness

Thoughts taken from Mark 8:4-8
His disciples answered, "But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?" "How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked. "Seven," they replied. He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. When he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people, and they did so. They had a few small fish as well; he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them. The people ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

When we are in need, often we must look at what we already have because this is where God wants to start working. Yet we often discount this because it doesn't seem good enough. God often wants to take what we think is inadequate and work through that. When He does this, work through our weakness, then His grace and strength shine all the brighter.

So as you look at life, where does God want to shine brightly so others can see His glory? Rejoice in these opportunities and ask God to use them as He wants.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to Please God in 2014

Taken from Job 1:1b.

The Scriptures are so clear here, if you want to please God and be blameless and upright in His eyes there are two things that must be done. First we need to fear God. Not be afraid of Him, but fear disappointing Him. We do this by making sure our actions are always things about which He will say, "Well done my good and faithful servant." Do all our actions, every day, make God say this to us? If not we know where we can improve so let’s get to it.

The second, which we don't seem to try and do anymore is to shun evil. To shun is to avoid, reject, turn away from or reject. Today many people seem to see how close to evil they can come, but God wants us to go the opposite extreme. He even restates it like this in another place in Scripture, “avoid the appearance of evil.” How well do we safeguard against evil in our lives. What safeguards do we have in place to make sure we don’t even get near to it? Would those who are close to us, watching how we live agree with us about this?

If we want to live lives that are pleasing to God we need to realize and act on the fact that it will not happen by accident. We must be intentional and have a plan on how to do this. Do you have a plan for pleasing God in 2014? If not, take the rest of this week to develop on and live in such a way that God will say about you, “you are blameless and upright.” When you do this you will have the best, most productive, exciting and most fulfilling year ever. God bless in all you do this year!