Saturday, September 28, 2019

Who is Carrying Your Burdens?

Psalm 68:19 “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”

As we face each and every day, it is good to remember this truth about God. He has promised us that as part of our relationship with Him , that we will help us every single day. The way that He will help us is by bearing (holding and carrying) our burdens. This is true regardless of how big or small those burdens may seem to us. So if this is true, why do so many continue to struggle under their own burdens? It's simple, the truth is that these people, the majority of people, refuse to surrender their burdens, giving them up to God. Unfortunately this leads to weariness, stress, ulcers, etc.. Only when we arrive at the point of surrender will God pick those burdens up. Are you willing to surrender to God today? He can and will make all the difference.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Where is your focus?

John 6:1-15 gives an account of Jesus feeding the 5000+ crowd. There are some life-changing lesson found in this story. 

When we are faced with situation, issues, problems what do we see? Our tendency is to focus on the problem and the more we focus on it the bigger it becomes. What we need to do is surrender everything to God and then focus on Him. In verse 8 Peter brought everything to Jesus, after Philip had basically given up hope. Unfortunately he also didn’t focus on Jesus but on the inadequacy of what he had on hand. It doesn’t matter what we have on hand or how far we think it will go. What matters is, if we have continued to follow Jesus, He is there and can do anything. 

So where is our focus today? Is it on the all powerful, creator of the universe Who said that He will never leave or forsake us or is it on the momentary issues that will be gone before we know it. As we face every situation remember, God already has in mind what He is wanting to do. Trust Him, focus on Him and watch what He accomplishes.