God has called His followers to be people of hope.
However, we will never be a person of hope or be able to pass hope on to others
unless we are W.E.L.L. as it is described in Acts 2:42-47.
W - A worshiper of
God: do we live a life of worship, focused on bringing God pleasure in all
we say and do?
E - An evangelist
for God: are we compelled to share God's love and peace with those we meet,
where everyday activities become opportunities to point others toward God?
L - Life-long
learners of God's Word: do we hunger to know God more to the point that we
miss time in His Word more than we miss food. Do we have an anticipation and
excitement to see what God will teach us today as we read the Bible and once we
have learned something are we compelled to share that with others?
L - Are we loving
in all we do? The 2 commands that summarize all Scripture are Love the Lord
your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength ... and love your
neighbor as yourself. Does the world in which we live everyday truly know we
are God’s disciples because of our love for each other.
Only when we are WELL will we be able to reach our full
potential as people of God. Just consider what was happening at the end of
these verses. It says, “And God added daily those who were being saved.” I pray
that every follower of Jesus and every church will become WELL once again so
that we may see people saved every day as we reach out to the world who is
searching for true, lasting hope.