How bold are you in your prayer life? I believe that God wants us to stop holding back and wants us to start praying bold prayers for our own lives. Prayers that will shake the up the way we live changing it forever and turning our world upside-down.
Many time we are willing to pray bold prayer for others because they don’t seem selfish to us, yet we hesitate to pray anything close this when it come to those things that impact our own life.
Why this hesitation? I believe that it is connected with motive. When we pray regarding things that impact us our focus us usually inward focused, what will be best our own comfort or desires. But if we just follow what this passage it shows why we should not only pray like this but to do so on a regular and consistent basis. Bold prayers for God’s goodness and blessings in our lives should be prayed so that the character of God may be seen clearly in every aspect of our daily lives. The world desperately needs to know God, His ways and His salvation, yet for most this will never happen unless they see is clearly through our lives. We truly are the only Bible they will ever read.
So pray boldly that God will bless you, being gracious to you, while His presence in your life is obvious and undeniable as the noon-day sun. So that the world will know how real God is.