Hosea 10:12 give us an amazing promise regarding what we want in life: "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you."
What is it that you want from life and God? What we really want is seen in what we are doing right now. If we want the fruit of unfailing or God's love, then we must put in the effort to live according to God's standards of what is right and wrong. Now this is done as He teaches us and we conform our actions to His desires, making Him Lord of all. It is then that we will see the fruit, evidence or reminders of His unfailing love.
Now knowing and acting according to His standards isn't done by pursuing knowledge about the standard ... it is only found in pursuing the One who sets the standard. We are to start seeking God now, and we are to continue until He comes. It's not enough to start and get enough of Him to make us feel good. We are to seek Him continually, knowing Him more and more until we know Him face to face after He has come again.
Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to put in the effort on starting and building a growing relationship with God. A relationship that will last the rest of eternity, changing everything for the better. God has promised this if we are willing to do our part.
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